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WooCommerce connector

Connecting IC Robotics to your WooCommerce solution is an easy three-step process.

  1. Connect WooCommerce data to IC Robotics
  2. Create and write your template
  3. Generate texts to WooCommerce

You can read about the different steps, or simply watch the videos of each individual step below. Want to know about Auto update fields?

Connect WooCommerce data to IC Robotics

s In order to integrate data from WooCommerce, you will first need to generate a REST API Key in WooCommerce.

On your admin page in WordPress:

generate REST API Key

You firstly need to enable Legacy API. Go to WooCommerce → Settings → Advanced → Legacy API → Enable the legacy REST API → Save changes

Go to WooCommerce → Settings → Advanced → REST API → Add key Generate your API Key by giving it a description, user, and choose permission details.

  • Description: Optional - e.g. "IC Robotics key"
  • User: Your own Wordpress user
  • Permissions: Read/Write

You can now generate your API key

Now you have a Consumer key and a Consumer secret available which you need in order to create the WooCommerce connector on the IC Robotics platform.

You will only be able to see the Consumer key and Consumer secret once. Remember to save it.

On the IC Robotics plaform:

Create Connector

Go to Data and create an Integration.

Here you will Choose Connector as the integration type, and then choose WooCommerce.

Now you will need to insert your Consumer key and Consumer secret from your WooCommerce REST API key into the form. The URL is your shop URL e.g. “”. Lastly, you will need to decide if auto-update fields should be left on or off.

A recent update has changed the "autoupdate fields" settings a bit. Read more below

You can always edit your integration settings.

You should now have access to all your product data in the IC Robotics app.

Create and write your template

Now that you have created your WooCommerce connector, simply create a template and start writing your text. Your template section IDs must match the attribute of the WooCommerce fields you want to automate. You can find a list of your WooCommerce fields here under product properties.


The standard “Description” field in WooCommerce has the attribute “description” If you want to automate the “Description” field, you will need to name your template section “description”

Generate texts to WooCommerce

In order to generate your text for your products, you will need to Publish your Template and create a webhook. This is easily done on the IC Robotics platform:

Publish Template

Go to Settings -> API and create an API key. Copy the key to your clipboard.

For security reasons, your API Key is only visible in full at the time of creation.

Now go back to your template and Publish it. You can now generate a webhook for your Publication. Simply click the webhook icon on your Publication and insert your API Key. Copy your webhook to clipboard

Now you only need to insert your webhook URL into your WooCommerce platform. On your Wordpress admin page:

Setup webhook

Go to WooCommerce → Settings → Advanced → Webhooks and click Add webhook. Give your Webhook a Name e.g. "IC Robotics webhook - Product update"

Status should be set to Active

Select a Topic for the webhook to trigger.
We recommend that you create two webhooks with the Product updated Topic on one and Product created on the other.

Delivery URL is where you insert the webhook URL. You can use the same webhook URL for both Webhooks. (The URL you got from the IC Robotics platform)

Secret should be left blank

API Version should be set to WP REST API Integration v3

You are now ready to automatically generate your product descriptions.

About auto update fields

In the configuration of your WooCommerce connector, you will have to decide whether Auto update fields should be Auto, Semi or Manual.

Leaving Auto update fields on Auto - Auto update fields Auto means that when generating your text for your WooCommerce solution, all your products will be updated automatically with a text, generated from your template. This means that current text that may already be on your products, will be overwritten - If you want to control some of your products manually, you should leave Auto update fields on Semi or Manual

Leaving Auto update fields on Manual - Auto update fields Manual means that IC Robotics app only will generate a text for a product if the product contains an Attribute called ic-include with the string value true.

Leaving Auto update fields on Semi - Auto update fields Semi means that IC Robotics app will generate and update all your products except if a product contains a metafield called ic-exclude with the string value of true. This is useful if you want to control just a few of your products manually.